Devops Consulting

What we do

At OpsArray, we offer comprehensive DevOps consulting services to empower organizations in their digital transformation journey. Our team of seasoned experts understands the significance of DevOps practices in accelerating software development and streamlining operations.

Why we do it

Overall, adopting DevOps practices can lead to more efficient software development processes, higher-quality software, faster time to market, and improved collaboration among teams. It allows companies to respond quickly to changing market demands and deliver value to customers more effectively.

How we do it

We work closely with our clients to assess their current infrastructure, identify bottlenecks, and design tailored strategies that align with their unique business goals. Whether it's implementing continuous integration and delivery pipelines, optimizing cloud infrastructure, or fostering a culture of collaboration, our DevOps consultants provide the guidance and expertise needed to enhance agility, scalability, and efficiency.

With a focus on automation, monitoring, and efficient workflows, we enable organizations to deliver high-quality software faster, improve deployment frequency, and increase customer satisfaction. Embracing best practices and leveraging cutting-edge tools, our DevOps consulting services drive innovation, minimize downtime, and ultimately contribute to long-term success in today's rapidly evolving technology landscape.

Contact Us

126 Madison Ave
Madison NJ 07940
(201) 614-5461


Infrastructure as Code

We help organizations automate and streamline their infrastructure management processes by implementing tools and practices that allow environments to be defined, deployed, and updated using code. This approach brings software development best practices like version control, testing, and continuous integration/deployment to infrastructure management. We utilize best in class tools like Terraform and Ansible, designing scalable and maintainable infrastructure architectures, and training teams on DevOps methodologies. The goal is to increase agility, reduce errors, improve consistency across environments, and ultimately enable faster and more reliable software delivery.

Kubernetes and Containerization

Continuous Integration /
Continuous Delivery


We guide organizations through the process of containerizing applications, implementing Kubernetes for orchestration, and optimizing container-based workflows. We typically assist with container image creation, Kubernetes cluster setup and configuration, designing scalable and resilient architectures, implementing CI/CD pipelines for containerized applications, and establishing best practices for security and monitoring in containerized environments. We also provide training to development and operations teams on container technologies and Kubernetes concepts. This enables our clients to improve resource utilization, speed up deployments, and increase application portability across different environments.

If you feel the need to streamline software development and delivery processes, we work with clients to implement automated pipelines that integrate code changes frequently, run automated tests, and deploy applications to various environments quickly and reliably. We help by selecting and configuring CI/CD tools like GitHub Actions, Jenkins, or GitLab CI, designing efficient pipeline architectures, and implementing practices like trunk-based development and feature flags. In addition, we can focus on integrating security checks, performance testing, and monitoring into the CI/CD process. The aim is to reduce manual errors, shorten release cycles, improve software quality, and enable teams to deliver value to customers more rapidly and consistently.

We help organizations gain comprehensive insights into their systems, applications, and infrastructure by setting up monitoring solutions like Prometheus, Grafana, or ELK stack, implementing distributed tracing with tools like Jaeger or Zipkin, and establishing effective alerting and incident response processes. Our experts can assist with creating meaningful dashboards, defining key performance indicators (KPIs), and implementing automated anomaly detection. The goal is to enhance system reliability, reduce mean time to detection and resolution of issues, and provide teams with the data they need to make informed decisions about system performance and health.

Let’s Chat!

We’re always happy to have a conversation with folks interested in expanding their existing knowledge or are interested in learning about DevOps